Centre for Epistemic Justice
We are a Consortium of African academics and researchers dedicated to addressing knowledge and data justice through African-centered research, policy advice, and advocacy, promoting methodologies that counteract sexism, racism, and other forms of discrimination, while leveraging AI and emerging technologies for societal and environmental good.
What We Do
We prioritise African-centred research and engage in policy advice, advocacy, responsible innovation, and partnerships to advance knowledge and data justice, while utilising AI and emerging technologies for societal and environmental good.

Research and Innovation
We guide stakeholders on harnessing the potential of AI and emerging technologies to advance research and innovation for the betterment of humanity and the environment.

Policy Advice
We provide policy advice to governments and the broader community to enrich public debate and advocate to key decision-makers on significant national and regional socio-economic and ethical issues.

Evidence-based Research
We offer expert guidance to stakeholders in Africa, facilitating the strategic utilisation of AI and emerging technologies to foster evidence-based research and innovation.

Public/Parliamentary Briefings
Through collaboration with other actors in the space, we bring discussions on emerging and critical issues on technology and society to the parliament and other public spaces.
Partnerships & Collaborations
Our ongoing endeavours are sustained by our extensive network of collaborative partnerships with both funding and implementing entities.

Who We Are
Centre for Epistemic Justice (CEJ) is a public interest consortium, formed through a collaboration of reputable academics and researchers from all over Africa, and is headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. We provide a platform for African researchers to address the historical issues of knowledge and data justice through research in Sub Saharan Africa. We believe that a lack of knowledge justice is an avenue that is often exploited to promote sexism, racism, ageism, and other x-isms, that further entrench the marginalization of the minoritized groups. We therefore promote research methodologies, that are informed by African priorities and values, and complemented by global best practices, treating the African populations as sovereign people with legitimate claims to data and knowledge.